Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Okay, I'm back for Day 2! LOL Tomorrow's Thanksgiving and I'm super excited about that! I love of my favorite holidays. My baby sister-n-law is flying in tonight so that's uplifting. Yet for all my excitement, I still feel this pain in my heart for those that I won't get to spend the day with. My sister-n-law, Sumer, is in Iraq. I sure miss her too. I get to talk to her alot though. And I'm so thankful for that. She's got her first "mission" today and I'm a little worried, but she's stoked and ready to go so that helps me feel better too. I hope that all goes well for her. I love you, Sumer. I'm praying for you. I miss my baby brother, Dallas, too. He's in his hometown. He had to go away for some time and he returned home in June. I got to spend alot of good time with him then. I haven't seen him and I've barely talked to him since August. I have this ache in my heart to be close to him and get to see him everyday. It's just not possible right now. I love you, Dallas. And I am hoping for the best for you....although I'm sure a happy ending is not in the cards this time. Everyone has to take their own path in life. And those paths don't always lead us to greener pastures. Life isn't always fair. But, on with the better things! The most important thing for me is that me, Brandon, Brae, and Brax will all be together for Turkey Day! This is mine and Brandon's 7th Thanksgiving together! Wow, how time flies! It's nice to be able to say that. And, of course, my mother-n-law, Sonya, will be there too. Thank goodness for her this year! LOL She's gonna do all the cooking. I am not a great cook. She's awesome! So, I'll stay in the kitchen and help her along the way. As long as nothing major is put into my hands, everything will turn out perfect! LOL The boys are super excited about being out of school for 2 extra days. Brae kept saying this morning, "No school til Monday!" And Brax would try but it came out something like, "No tool to Money!" LOL He tries to repeat everything. It's quite comical. I'm positive that I have to be one of the lucky ones in life. I have everything. A great husband, 2 beautiful boys, a pretty cool mother-n-law, a gorgeous new house, loving family, great friends, good job. What more could I ask for? If there were 2 things I would want it would be for Sumer to be home and Dallas to be back in my life. I miss you two. And I love you both soooo much. You are both missed. Happy one day til Thanksgiving.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

First Day

I've been wanting to try this blogging thing for a while now. I got interested when I read Leigh Anne's, Melissa's, and Cara's. I thought, "Wow, I think I could do that!" LOL So, I'll give it a try.....
I'm not really sure how to start off. Maybe I should give you a little background on my family.
I've been married to Brandon for 6 years. What a man! He can still make me weak in the knees sometimes and so frustrated that I wanna slug him at other times! LOL I love him alot. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for that man. He gave me the 2 best gifts. We have 2 sons, Braeden and Braxton, ages 5 and 2. They are amazing. And I truly believe that they have to be some of the most hardheaded and stubborn children I have ever laid eyes on! They will go to great lengths to prove you wrong or to do the exact opposite of what you asked them to do! LOL They surely keep us on our toes! Brandon works for an engineering company fulltime and I'm a fulltime x-ray tech. Braeden is in Pre-K and Braxton goes to daycare (or dayschool is what we like to call it!). We just moved into a gorgeous 3 bedroom house from a tiny, cramped 2 bedroom apartment. What a difference that's been! It's really nice to have a backyard where the boys can run, jump, and romp instead of being inside all the time. About a month ago, we had a nice "suprise" in our life. We decided to have Brandon's mother move in with us. She was having some hard times and Brandon wanted to help her. So, without hesitation, we moved her here and she's living with us now. It can be stressful at times, but all in all, we are making the best of it. And it's nice having someone who's already done all this "mothering stuff" before so that I can go to her for advice on everything from cooking to discipline. And we need LOTS of info on discipline! LOL Don't get me wrong....the boys are great!! They are just certainly very comfortable expressing their own opinions! Who knew 2 and 5 yr. olds even had their own opinions!