Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10 Best Things.....

I thought that since I have been blogging about nothing but negative things, I'd write one on all the postive things I do have in my life. I have done this before so I'm kind of copying just a little! LOL I do LOVE my life and those that are in it! I have been stuck in a "negative" rut, but I'm done with that now! ;-) Please enjoy!!

1. The way Brandon rubs my back sometimes when he knows I don't feel good or he knows I'm stressed out.

2. How when it's time for Brax to go to sleep, he will snuggle up really close to me and whisper "I lellow." That's his way of saying "I love you." And then he turns towards my head and procedes to give me 42 good night kisses....

3. When I pick Brae up from school, he runs towards me with the biggest smile on his face and then he tells me "I was soooo good at school today, Mama!"

4. I like it when I'm in bed and lying on my side, Paco will snuggle up in the crease of my bent knees. He gets as close as possible and then he settles in and goes to sleep.

5. I love the fact that after Brae pulls off someone's flag in a football game, he completely stops what he's doing, turns to me in the stands and yells "I GOT ANOTHER FLAG, MAMA!"

6. Anytime I cry or get upset, Brax is the first one in my lap giving me hugs and asking me "Where's you owie, Mama?"

7. Brandon is the first one to get up in the mornings and he kisses me on my forehead and tells me "It's time to wake up, Beautiful." That's soooo much better than a loud alarm clock!

8. I get those random phone calls or texts from Brandon reminding me that he loves me and he misses me. It's nice to hear those things for no reason.

9. After dinner is cooked and we're all sitting at the dinner table, the 4 of us start a conversation about how our days went and what happened and what we plan on doing tomorrow. I love dinner time at our house for that reason right there!

10. And one of the BEST things about my life is the 3 guys I have in my heart, in my home, at my dinner table, in my mind, and most nights, in my bed! Even as uncomfortable as it is, I never sleep better than those nights where all 4 of us-and Paco-are snuggled into our bed!!


Liss and MOMMY said...

Very Sweet!

Leah said...

Your so lucky girl!! I'm glad you are so happy!!

Liss and MOMMY said...

Just read your comment on "his needs/her needs" Yes, the class is based off of the book and it is going really well. I thought I would let you know there is also a book by the same man "His Needs/Her Needs for parents." it is really good too.

Jessica said...

awe brandi, i am so glad to hear things are going good for ya! keep your head up and things can only get better, its nice to know you have a good man by your side and 2 boys that will love you unconditionally!